Character Of The Imam Ali (a.s)

This week Shias celebrated the birth of the Imam Ali (a.s).I recently found this great blog Nahjul Balagha  that is documenting Nahjul Balagha (Peak of Eloquence) page by page in English. Check it out! Related articles Upon the miraculous birth of Imam Ali (a.s.) ( Imam Ali’s (as) birthplace was the Kabah ( In the Name of […]


Departing in the dark of night

I leave behind familiar tunes

of you and I and what was and used to be

wordless joys and hopeful dreams 

we were like doves nestled in an olive tree

embracing peaceful serenity

we raised our own

taught them to soar

spreading peace and razing calamities

For in our youth

we spread only truth

and left all vile behind

never looking back to notice

The arrowhead that pierced your naked heart

We were caught aghast

Unbeknownst of the targets


Now I stand upon your grave

my little white dove

who died so brave

buried in the dark of night

without a cry

without a parade

of loved one to send you on your way

to the paradise  of never withering blooms

and never ending days

My tears run streams across my

heart trailing into my troubled mind 

Contemplating what was taken away so soon

Our love was pure

Clean and to some very strange

But it is love still

No matter the critics

Or the Quills

For we are not Romeo and Juliet

Nor Qias and Leila can compare

We are the beams

Of the early sunrise

We are the roots of the eternal tree

We are

Fatima and Ali.






True Love

When the wife of the Imam Ali died of her wounds, Imam Ali buried her alone and without a funeral because those were her wishes. This is what he spoke as he finished praying on her grave……………..

الامام علي عليه السلام  : عند قبر فاطمة الزهراء عليها السلام

حبيب ليس له بعد حبيــــــــــب

Imam ali
Imam ali (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

وما لسواه في قلبي نصيب

حبيب غاب عن عيني وجسمي

وعن قلبي حبيب لا يغيــب

roughly translated
saying of Imam Ali at the tomb of his beloved wife Fatima(a.s) after
he buried her.

A lover that no lover precedes

Nor shall another have a share my heart

A lover who is absent from my eye and form

But from my heart shall never part.

Love is so beautiful if only we learn to give without receiving. No one would be unloved if everyone loved a little more…………

True Friends

This is a saying of the Imam Ali (a.s) I wrote it in arabic and translated (roughly) in English. If more of His teachings were to be translated, Islamophobia would not exist. In this saying Imam Ali speaks about the most important thing in this world.. Friends who stick by you no matter what, Friends who love even though you are  a nerd that secretly wishes she was wonder women. (who me?!?! nah)

Friends you have to pay to read your blog : $90-$200

Friends who read your blog for free and enjoy it: priceless.

Thank you for reading my blog and to all my followers and who ever likes me I love you all! Live Long and Prosper! (You know you like me just a bit right?)

(قال الامام علي
..لا تثق في شمس الشتاء
..ولا في قلب النساء
..ولا في الدنيا فانها دار الفناء

..ولكن ثق في أخ لم تلده لك امك
..ولكن ولدته لك الأيام
..فإذا كان أجمل مافي الورد الرحيق
.فإن أجمل مافي الدنيا الصديق


Saying of Imam Ali (AS)
Do not trust in the winter sun ..
Nor in the heart of women ..
Nor in this life, for it is the place of perish.

But trust in the brother  your mother did not bear
But the days bore for you ..
for the best of the roses is the  nectar
And the best of the world is a friend.