History Lesson- Muharamm

Many people don’t know about the Islamic Calender, or don’t want to know.

Now I’m not going to  talk  about it or discussing it right now because it means I have to think hard and well I’m still working on that right now.

As I was saying, the Islāmic Calender is a lunar calendar every new moon means new month simple more accurate and there isn’t an Apocalypse any time soon so no worries!

What I want to talk about is the first month Muharamm. In this month Muslims are FORCED to stop bickering (even back then they were bickering all the time.) they are also not allowed to start wars which maybe is a bit to hard for them,(my opinion). In the year 680 A.D

the leader of Sham (Syria) plotted and killed the last grandson of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

In the West everyone knows of the Spartans and the battle of  Thermopylae, and those who don’t watched the movie 300, but The Imam Hussein didn’t have 300 he had 75. They were defeated in a single afternoon but they killed around 10,000 of the 30,000 that were presumed there.

The Spartans had water,The Imam Hussein didn’t. When People speak of Spartans they use words like loyalty, courage, patriotic,these are the same words we use for our Imams they fought alongside their followers they didn’t sit on the sidelines.We keep their memories alive and we have a love for them that most people don’t understand even other sects of Islam.

I know I haven’t done this subject justice but to put it in simpler terms every year we vote and we vote for Him. Here is a link to His wiki page.

Imagethis is a picture of the Imam Hussein’s  Mausoleum the inside door ways and dome are gold, (the former dictator didn’t get a chance to “borrow” these yet.)

Please excuse my bad penmanship, I’m just beginning to get my ideas straight and I appreciate your patience.

(My first serious subject yeahhhh dude I’m gettin’  all professional and mature!!!  :))