Why Can’t We Be Friends?

Holy Spirit 33


Humanity appeals to its people but they listen not. Were one to listen, and console a mother by wiping her tears, other would say He is weak, affected by sentiment.

Thou art my brother because you are human, and we both are sons of one Holy Spirit; we are equal and made of the same earth.

You are here as my companion along the path of life, and my aid in understanding the meaning of hidden Truth. You are a human, and, that fact sufficing, I love you as a brother. You may choose, for Tomorrow shall take you away and will use your talk as evidence for his judgment, and shall receive justice.


Beautiful words of Peace and understanding. If only more Humans would listen.

In other words….

Why can’t we be friends, Why can’t we be friends… 🙂

The Sphinx

Sphinxes (Photo credit: schmaeche)


Sitting all alone


on a forgotten throne


of desert debris and spoiled human meat


No greedy follower to worship


nor sacrifices to hold


You ate more than your fill


and enslaved the needy


You’re dead now


but   left behind is


a feminine mind


designed in golden feathers and mane


sporting only the heart of a wench


who lives only to gain


 to watch over your gold


that you will never use and never hold


The sun eats away its desolate skin


The darkness hides its ancient scowl


No more riddles to be heard


No more answers to be skeered.


Left to remind generations to come


what  once was strong powerful


will fall to the ground


and die in vain


for  evil has not won


and all will be undone.



Thanks Tim for the inspiration! 🙂